Preparing Your Neighbours for Asbestos Work

Asbestos work and the neighbours

When you decide to undertake asbestos removal or demolition work at your property, there’s a lot to think about. You’ve got to find the right asbestos removalist or expert to assist, not to mention making sure you’ve laid the groundwork with your local council. 

But there’s something that may not creep into your mind straight away and is equally as important. And that’s keeping your neighbours informed with what you’re doing.

Whether you’re removing asbestos so that you can undertake renovations, or you’ve bought a property to demolish and start anew, it’s crucial that you keep your neighbours in the loop. Otherwise, you may find they won’t be the type of neighbours who are all too generous with a cup of sugar should you one day need it.

Choosing Your Asbestos Removalist

Believe it or not, who you choose to undertake asbestos removal can make all the difference to your renovation experience. A qualified, experienced, and certified team know how to prepare your home for removal, but they also know how to make sure you and your neighbours are satisfied with the process. 

Choose a removalist who will contact your neighbours on your behalf. Often, this involves a letter, outlining:

  • When asbestos removal will take place

  • Where it will take place

  • Who is involved in removing it

  • How you can contact the asbestos removalists

Meeting Your Neighbours

Whether you’re new to the neighbourhood, or you simply don’t have a familiar relationship with those around you, now is an excellent time to get acquainted. Have a chat with your immediate neighbours about your intentions – be it asbestos removal or demolition work.

Any kind of noise can be frustrating, but it’s less so when you’re entirely aware of what’s happening and how long the process will take. Your neighbours will appreciate the communication.

Answer any questions they may have, especially regarding the safety precautions the removalists are taking. Your chosen removalist can also talk to concerned neighbours on your behalf.

Keeping Everyone Informed

During demolition and asbestos removal, the neighbourly thing to do is to keep everyone informed of how things are progressing. Your neighbours are bound to be concerned about dust, damage, site safety, and asbestos. Therefore, these things should be at the forefront of your mind.

Site safety is paramount, so fencing for construction works can alleviate the minds of parents in the neighbourhood with curious kids. Talk to your local removalists and demolition experts about the type of site safety measures they have in place.

Asbestos is, of course, worrying for many families. The more you can do to alleviate your neighbours’ concerns, the better the relationship you can have with them. Alongside your local asbestos removalist company having contact with your neighbours, you can also ask questions about the process yourself.

Before removal begins, plastic sheeting is placed on all windows, vents, and the roof. For internal asbestos removal, decontamination units and negative air pressure units are used to promote a safe environment. The sound of these in operation is similar to an air conditioning unit, and they can operate at all times of the day and night for a specific period.   

During the demolition of a house with asbestos, bonded and loose asbestos is removed from the home. The home is then sprayed with a PVA glue to seal any remaining fibres. At all times, dust suppression and air monitoring measures are in place to keep the property owner and neighbouring properties safe.

Opening the Lines of Communication

During asbestos removal or demolition, it’s crucial to stay in touch with your neighbours. Still, it’s equally as important after the process is complete, too. Provide your neighbours with numbers they can call if they have any problems. Your asbestos removalist would have provided a phone number for their team, also.

If your neighbours know they have someone they can contact, they are bound to feel more confident in the process and in the knowledge that you’re doing your due diligence.

Do it Right the First Time

Thousands of properties across New Zealand contain asbestos. While this material is safe while it’s in pristine condition, it can become a health hazard through wear and tear and the removal process. Whether you’re renovating or demolishing, it’s paramount to deal with an expert team.

They know how to communicate with your neighbours with a mail drop, and how to assess the scene to keep everyone safe. They also know how to carry out a professional removal process that minimises the risks for all involved.

Has the time has come to begin your property adventure? Don’t delay in aligning yourself with an expert team of asbestos experts who can help the process run smoothly for your entire neighbourhood.

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