How to Tell if a Textured Ceiling has Asbestos


Love it or hate it, many Kiwis have it: a textured ceiling. These popcorn ceilings are common throughout many older New Zealand homes, and they can be either a feature of your property or an eyesore. But regardless of how you view it, one thing has probably plagued your mind about it: whether or not it contains asbestos.

What is a Popcorn/Stipple Ceiling?

A popcorn/stipple ceiling, or a textured ceiling, is a finishing technique commonly used throughout the mid-20th century. The simple act of adding texture to the ceiling could produce a number of benefits.

·       Stopping sound reverberation

·       Eliminating the need for painting

·       Hiding ceiling flatness imperfections

The problem is, many of these textured ceilings contained asbestos before it was known to be a health hazard. You now not only have to deal with something that’s not the most attractive feature in a contemporary home but something that could pose a risk to your health.

How to Tell if Your Textured Ceiling is Asbestos

You can’t often tell by looking at your stipple ceiling, whether it’s asbestos or not. Given that some but not all of them contained it, you also can’t take it for granted that it does or doesn’t have it. The best way to tell if it does is by getting in touch with an asbestos removal expert.

Asbestos testing is crucial for confirming the presence of asbestos in your home – be it in your popcorn ceiling or another part of your property. An asbestos removal company will come to your home, take a sample, then test it at a lab to find out.

You can then make a plan of attack going forward – whether that result comes back positive or negative.

What to Do if Your Popcorn Ceiling Contains Asbestos

After contacting an asbestos company that can carry out textured ceiling removal in Auckland and around NZ, it’s essential to wait for a test result. The results of that test can determine the next step you take.

If it comes back positive, the same company you enlisted to carry out the asbestos testing can also be the same one to carry out its removal or encapsulation.


If your textured ceiling is in good condition, your chosen asbestos removal company may not recommend removal. Removing it could cause asbestos fibres to spread into the air and throughout your house. In this instance, the most common remedy can end up being worse than the current problem.

Therefore, they may recommend encapsulation instead. This process involves using a sealing product to stop the ceiling from shedding fibres into the air. It then creates a safer environment for your family.

Textured Ceiling Removal

If your ceilings are not in excellent condition, such as if the risk of asbestos fibres in the air is high, then removal can be your best option. Not only do you then get to take care of a health hazard, but you can also end up with a far more contemporary ceiling – which may be what you prefer anyway.

Most asbestos popcorn ceilings must be removed by licensed professionals. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to look for a licensed, qualified asbestos removal team who can take care of this job for you.

The Process for Removing a Stipple Ceiling

Given the dangers of asbestos, a lot of planning goes into the removal process, along with plenty of safety measures to keep you and the removal team safe.

A licenced asbestos removal team can remove a textured ceiling in two ways:

·       Removing the entire piece of plasterboard

·       Scraping off the textured finish and retaining the plasterboard

If they scrape off the finish, they use water spraying units to stop dust from being released before bagging the waste and disposing of it appropriately. You can rest assured that the team will inform you of their intentions before work commences.

The Cost of Textured Ceiling Removal

Every home is different, which means that every textured ceiling will also be different. The cost of textured ceiling removal in Auckland and other cities and towns throughout New Zealand can also differ depending on the quality of the asbestos.

Popcorn ceiling removal can start from around $4,500. You can expect to pay a different square metre rate depending on whether your ceiling consists of Class A or Class B materials. Class B can start from $65/sqm, while Class A can vary from $150/sqm upwards.

What Do I Do Now?

Have you got a popcorn ceiling that’s in poor condition or you’d like to remove? The first thing you need to do is contact a licenced asbestos removalist for an asbestos test.

Once the results are back, and if asbestos is confirmed, you can then seek advice on whether removal or encapsulation is the best decision to make. Rest assured that an asbestos removal company is always available to guide you through the entire process.

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