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Global Mesothelioma Awareness Day: The Importance of Asbestos Awareness in New Zealand

Every year, on September 26th, the world unites to observe Global Mesothelioma Awareness Day, a day dedicated to raising about mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive cancer primarily caused by exposure to asbestos. For countries like New Zealand, where asbestos was widely used in construction, this day is a stark reminder of the long-lasting dangers lurking in many homes, businesses, and public spaces. As an asbestos removal company, Chemcare is committed to shedding light on this critical issue and providing safe solutions for those at risk.

What is Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a cancer affecting the mesothelium, the thin tissue layer covering most internal organs. The most common type of mesothelioma affects the lungs (pleural mesothelioma), but it can also develop in the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma) and, more rarely, in the heart or testicles. The primary cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure, a group of naturally occurring minerals once hailed for their heat resistance and strength, which led to their widespread use in building materials and insulation.

Because mesothelioma has a long latency period – often developing 20 to 50 years after exposure – many people remain unaware of the dangers they face until it’s too late. This makes awareness and early detection critical for improving outcomes for those affected.

Asbestos in New Zealand: A Persistent Threat

While asbestos use was banned in New Zealand in 2016, the legacy of this hazardous material persists in homes, schools, and buildings constructed before the ban. Asbestos was commonly used in roofing, wall cladding, insulation, and flooring. It is estimated that thousands of properties across the country still contain asbestos materials, putting countless people at risk of exposure if these materials are disturbed during renovations, demolitions, or repairs.

Inhaling asbestos fibres can lead to serious health issues, with mesothelioma being the most devastating outcome. Unfortunately, the effects of exposure may not be immediately evident, and symptoms of mesothelioma often mimic other, less severe conditions, making early diagnosis challenging.

The Role of Global Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Global Mesothelioma Awareness Day is an opportunity for individuals, organisations, and governments worldwide to come together in the fight against this deadly disease.

The day serves to:

Raise Awareness:

Informing the public about the dangers of asbestos and how exposure can lead to mesothelioma is key to prevention. Many people are unaware that their homes or workplaces may contain asbestos, making them vulnerable to accidental exposure.

Advocate for Victims:

Mesothelioma patients and their families face significant physical, emotional, and financial challenges. Raising awareness helps drive support for better treatment options, healthcare resources, and legal compensation for victims of asbestos exposure.

Promote Safe Asbestos Removal Practices:

Asbestos removal is a delicate and dangerous process that should only be carried out by licensed professionals like Chemcare. Global Mesothelioma Awareness Day is a reminder of the importance of hiring experts who can safely identify, remove, and dispose of asbestos materials to prevent exposure.

How Chemcare Contributes to Mesothelioma Prevention

At Chemcare, we are dedicated to protecting New Zealanders from the hidden dangers of asbestos. Our professional team is equipped with the skills and knowledge to safely manage asbestos removal in both residential and commercial properties. By following strict safety protocols, we ensure that asbestos is safely contained and disposed of, minimising the risk of airborne fibres that could lead to mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases.

We also provide comprehensive asbestos testing services, allowing homeowners, property managers, and businesses to know whether asbestos is present in their buildings before any potentially hazardous renovations or demolitions occur. Knowledge is the first line of defence against asbestos exposure.

What You Can Do

On Global Mesothelioma Awareness Day, consider taking the following actions to help reduce the risk of asbestos exposure in your community:

Educate yourself and others:

Learn about the dangers of asbestos and share this information with your friends, family, and coworkers. Awareness is key to preventing exposure.

Test before renovation:

If your home or workplace was built before the 1990s. consider having it tested for asbestos before starting any construction work.

Hire licensed Professionals:

If asbestos is present, always hire a licensed asbestos removal company like Chemcare to ensure that the material is handled safely and responsibly.

Support Mesothelioma Research:

Consider donating to organisations that support mesothelioma research, treatment advancements, and patient advocacy.

Global Mesothelioma Awareness Day is a sobering reminder of the dangers of asbestos and the ongoing impact it has on individuals and families in New Zealand and around the world. At Chemcare, we are committed to playing our part in protecting the health and safety of our communities by providing expert asbestos removal services. By raising awareness, promoting safe practices, and supporting those affected by mesothelioma, we can help reduce the number of asbestos-related illnesses and create a safer future for all.

If you suspect asbestos in your property, don’t hesitate to reach out to Chemcare for professional testing and removal services. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against mesothelioma.