The Most Commonly Asked Asbestos DIY Questions

To DIY or not to DIY

Unless you’ve spent many years in the building industry, it’s unlikely that you’ll know everything there is to know about asbestos. As you go about your daily life, there probably isn’t a lot of need to know about asbestos testing in NZ, where to find asbestos, and whether you can remove asbestos yourself.

However, with the purchase of a new home comes the opportunity for upgrades. And with those upgrades arrives the big, thundering elephant known as asbestos. It’s then that you might be asking some of these questions.

What Happens if I’m Exposed to Asbestos?

If you haven’t done your homework about asbestos in the home, you may not always be aware of the exposure risk. If you happen to be exposed to asbestos fibres accidentally, there is a risk of asbestos-related illnesses. These can take upwards of 30 years to present themselves, and there is no cure for any of them as yet.

Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease related to asbestos fibres in the lungs. This disease can lead to lung cancer. Mesothelioma, a type of organ lining cancer, is also linked to asbestos and is fatal for those diagnosed with it.

 The likelihood of developing these conditions, and other related ones, can depend on many things, such as:

  • How often you were exposed

  • The asbestos concentration levels

  • Asbestos fibre size and type

  • Health factors like being a cigarette smoker

How Do I Know if Something Contains Asbestos?

If your home was built before 1990, there is a high chance that many building materials within it contain asbestos. Though, you won’t know that just by looking at them.  

Asbestos doesn’t present itself as a visible fibre. Instead, it’s present in the makeup of several thousand different products like roofing materials, walls, vinyl flooring, baseboards, and even fence panels.

The best way to know if something in your home contains asbestos is by testing for it. An asbestos testing and removal company can remove a small sample of the material, undertake lab tests, then confirm its presence.

Can I Remove Asbestos Myself in New Zealand?

Given that we’re a nation of DIYers, it’s only natural to ask whether you can remove asbestos yourself. The answer is yes, but only in some circumstances. If you have an area of non-friable asbestos covering less than 10m2, you can remove it yourself.

However, you must wear disposable coveralls, gumboots or boot covers, and a P2 disposable mask or half-face respirator. You must also have a plan in place for its safe disposal.

If the asbestos is friable, which means it’s broken, damaged, or crumbly, then you must hire a qualified asbestos removalist instead. You must also hire an expert if there are over 10m2 of asbestos materials to remove.

Where Can I Find Information About Asbestos?

There is a lot of information on the internet about how to manage asbestos. However, it’s important to look at trusted sources in New Zealand. NZ-based asbestos testing and removal companies should be your first port of call. 

You can also receive information on asbestos disposal from your local council. If you have any questions relating to asbestos-related health conditions, consult a medical professional.  

You can even ask general questions in online DIY groups, especially as experts in their field often frequent them. Though, if you get conflicting answers to your questions, it’s worth confirming the information with an authorised business.  

I Have Damaged Asbestos Materials, What Do I Do?

Given that asbestos materials were only used in New Zealand homes until around the 1990s, whatever is in your home is likely old. Wear and tear can lead to asbestos exposure, which can be exceptionally harmful to both the occupants and surrounding neighbours.  

If you have noticed damaged building materials in your home that likely contain asbestos, close off the area and call an asbestos removal company. They can either remove the asbestos materials safely or seal them off to prevent them from becoming airborne.

If the damaged materials are outside your home, such as roofing, the same rules apply: call an asbestos removal company. As much as you want to flex your DIY muscles, friable asbestos is a different beast altogether.

Asbestos removalists will know how to seal off the area, cover the ground with heavy-duty plastic, and take all the necessary precautions to ensure they keep you and your neighbours safe.  

To Do it Yourself or Not to Do it Yourself – That is the Question

Kiwis love to get stuck in. We don’t like hiring people to do something that we could attempt and (sometimes) pull off ourselves. When it comes to asbestos, though, there’s a limit. Given how dangerous this natural mineral is, it’s always a good option to consult experts every step of the way – from identification to removal and disposal.

If you have questions about asbestos or you believe it’s present in your home, it can offer much-needed peace of mind to consult a team of qualified and licenced experts who can take care of everything for you.  

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